When Jesus was small,
He obeyed His elders – all,
And He was baptized on,
The earth by John
And for 40 days He did fast
In the wilderness so vast,
And there Satan came and said
“Change these stones into bread
For You are the Son
Of God – the only One!”
But Jesus said
“Man shall not live by eating bread,
But by the words of God-
The true Lord”
And twice more he tempted Jesus,
Just as he tempts us.
But Jesus resisted the temptation,
Though He was hungry in the hot sun.
There were many who followed Him,
He first turned water to wine, which was to the rim,
He saw Nathaniel under the tree of fig,
He did other miracles which were big.
He chose 12 disciples, one by one,
He increased the number of fish and buns.
He was loving and wise
And He still abides
With you and me,
Even if Him we cannot see.
To prove His love,
He came to die, from above.
He was hated by Pharisees and the High priest,
He celebrated the Passover feast
Then He was tried and crucified,
On the cross He cried.
It was not a task of ease
But He did it to please
His loving Father,
Who knows what is best for us, better any other,
And our loving Christ,
On the third day raised
From the dead
As He said
“I will rise on the third day”
Before His crucifixion on Friday
You know why?
Just to save my
Life and yours too
Oh yes, its true
What wrong do you find in believing Him?
I believe Him and obeying Him is my aim.
Make it your aim too.
I’m telling this so that you’ll be saved too.