Pastor. MICHAEL JACOB M.SC (chem) A.I.C (Cal)
The Author is a post graduate in chemistry from the Madras university and an associate of the Institute of chemists, Calcutta. He worked as water analyst for nearly 12 years in the Tamilnadu Government and later nearly 20 years as a water and food analyst for the state of Qatar. During his secular work he was also doing God's work from 1967.
Having studied for 2 years in the Apostolic Bible college under Pastor Benjamin Selvaratnam, the author had the call of God for full time Ministry and resigned his job from the State of Qatar in July 2000 and is now serving the Lord in his own country, India.
The author is gifted in the word of God and is given the teaching ministry through the Holy Spirit. His teachings have attracted many all over the world. He is especially gifted by the Lord in explaining the prophecies, the second coming of Jesus Christ , the Antichrist, the Apocalypse etc. You will find these articles touch you not only intellectually but also spiritually