Bro. Dennis Ebenezer
The highest privilege ever afforded to mankind is the power of prayer.
…then why don’t we pray?
The right to talk to the highest potentate in the entire universe…
…then why don’t we pray? (Numbers 12.6,7)
The most powerful force accessible to man is the potential of prayer…
…then why don’t we pray? (Josh 10.12,13)
The greatest longing in the heart of God is to talk to His children…
…then why don’t we pray? (Gen 3.9)
Nothing is impossible to those who pray…
…then why don’t we pray? (Luke18.27)
No man ever fainted or faltered who gave himself to prayer…
…then why don’t we pray? (Isaiah40.29)
Every sin is forgiven, every stain is washed clean, all guilt diminished to the man who prays…
…then why don’t we pray? (2 Chronicles7.14)
Hell moves farther away, Satan flees from the man who prays…
…then why don’t we pray? (John12.31)
Anointing will come, mountains will be moved, valleys made smooth, rivers made crossable, the inaccessible made accessible, the
impossible made possible, to the man who prays…
…then why don’t we pray? (Acts 2.2, Eze36.35-37, Isaiah51.1-3, 2 Kings2.14, Joshua6.1-20, Joshua10.12,13)
God said that men ought always to pray…
…then why don’t we pray? (Jer 33.3)
The riches of heaven are open to those who pray in His name…
…then why don’t we pray? (Mark1.10)
Everyone can pray, the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the strong, the weak, the child, the aged, the sinner, the prisoner, in any
nation, in any language, all can pray…
…then why don’t we pray? (Jonah3.5)
The weak turned a victor, a conqueror by prayer…..
…then why don’t we pray?(Judges16.28)
Closed door opens for those who pray………
…then why don’t we pray? (Acts5.19/16.26)
Authority and strength given to those who pray……
…then why don’t we pray? (Acts3.6,7)
All your wishes come true, when you pray….
…then why don’t we pray? (Mat 9.27-30)
Jesus insisted His disciple to pray…..
…then why don’t we pray? (Mat 26.41)
Paul encouraged to pray without ceasing…
…then why don’t we pray?(1 Thes 5.17)
Mercies envelopes a man who prays….
…then why don’t we pray?(Psalm 86.5)
God stands for a man who prays…
…then why don’t we pray?(Acts7.59)
God’s coverings are assured for those who pray…
….then why don’t we pray? (Psalm 86.5)
Prayer raises the dead, gives hope and peace ….
….then why don’t we pray?(1 Kings17.22)
Never failing God’s help is just prayer away……
…..then why don’t we pray? (Psalm 91.15)
Heavenly touch is assured while praying…….
…….then why don’t we pray(Daniel 9.21)
There is never a tear drop that God doesn’t see;
When He monitors even the movements of a sparrow.
There is never a moment when God doesn’t care,
And be assured that never a time;
When He doesn’t hear our prayer.