Bro. Michael Jacob
1. God meets the sinner. Exodus 25:22; 29:42,43
He meets us in Christ. 2cor 5: 19
2. God reveals himself to the sinner. Exodus 29:46
He reveals himself in Christ. John 14:7-9
3. God dwells with sinners. Exodus 25:8, 29:45,46
He dwells with us in Christ. Math 1:23, John 14:23
4. God speaks with the sinner. Exod 29:42, Lev1:1
He speaks to us in Christ. Heb 1:2 ; John 8:43,47 ; John 1:1
5. God accepts the sinner. Lev 1:4
He accepts us in Christ. Eph 1:6
6.God forgives the sinner. Lev 4:20,26,31,35 Lev 5:10,16,18 ;6:7
He forgives us in Christ. Eph 1:7
7. God receives from the sinner. Exod 23:15, 28:38
God receives from us in Christ. Heb 13:15