QATAR NEWS ;five years old child SARA locked in the school bus, found dead hours after. DOHA-QATAR-MAY 2010).
Dear Sara;
I don’t know your face. But I can never forget you. I can never forget the…
My little sunshine
Would be two years old
Next month.
He would say "Mom"
He would say "Dad"
He would toddle alone.
Playing with the other
Children of the family
Cousins of his.
Little tennis…
Don't miss the poem at the end …
Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine,
after the rain ....
Perhaps you may stumble,
perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready,
The golden gates were open
And heavenly Angels smiled
And with their tuneful harp string
Welcomed the little child.
They shouted "high and holy"
A child has entered in,
And safe from all temptation…