It is quite fashionable in some quarters to compare the teachings of the Bible with the teachings of Zoroaster, and Buddha, and Confucius, and Epictetus, and Socrates, and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and a number of…
This is an old argument, but a very satisfactory one. The Bible consists of sixty-six books, written by more than thirty different men, extending in the period of its composition over more than fifteen hundred…
There are two classes of prophecies in the Bible-first, the explicit, verbal prophecies, second, those of the types.
In the first we have the definite prophecies concerning the Jews, the heathen nations and the Messiah.…
Many people accept the authority of Christ who do not accept that of the Bible as a whole. We all must accept His authority. He is accredited to us by five Divine testimonies: by the…
Ten Reason Why I Believe The Bible Is The Word Of God by R. A. Torrey is a timeless Christian classic that will help strengthen your faith in God and His Word. The book was…
FIRST, on the ground of the testimony of Jesus Christ.
SECOND, on the ground of its fulfilled prophecies.
THIRD, on the ground of the unity of the book.
The design of this article is to propound several rules, by a steady conformity to any one of which a man may preach so as not to convert anybody. It is generally conceded at the…
Chapter XII
There is only one way. Christ is the way. "No one cometh unto the Father but by me."
Man is not the way, man can never make a way, nor does man…
Chapter XI
In view of what we have written, it is clear enough that the Lord has used every means that is necessary to assure us that in the Bible we have "the sure…
Chapter X
Through this outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon these Chinese children much light was thrown upon the writing of the Word of God.
Prophecy Fulfilled
Such an outpouring of the Spirit, attended…