David .T
Isaiah was a great Prophet and man of God. He lived around 700BC. No other prophet predicted the birth of the Messiah, Christ Jesus, to the extent as Isaiah did:
Therefore the…
Bro. Michael Jacob
Concerning His Birth
A virgin •••• shall bear a Son: something unknown in human experience. And this man child will be GOD Isa 7:14, Isa 9:6…
When the fickle Israelites clamored for a king, in the days of the Prophet Samuel, Saul the Benjamite, towering in stature over all the nation, was the one selected by God in accordance with the…
David .T
1: "Christ Ascends"
Read Acts 1
The Author
The author of the book of Acts is Luke, termed "the beloved physician" by Paul. Although his name is found only three times in…
David .T
1. Christ's Church Promised
Various theories about the establishment of the church of Christ have been advanced. Some say that it began in the Garden of Eden when God declared that the seed…
There is no need of any demonstration required to show that something is wrong with the world of mankind. Something is wrong with man himself. To know what is wrong with man, and how he…
Buzz Aldrin
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon in the Apollo 11 space mission. Michael Collins third member of the group, was in charge of the command…